The Jack Ovenden Award for 'Outstanding Student of the Year 2019'

The Institute, like the rest of the industry, continues to be aware of the necessity to encourage younger people into a career in recovery and was pleased to announce that for the first time the AA sponsored Jack Ovenden Award, for Outstanding Student of the Year, had six finalists.
Following the AGM finalists were interviewed by a panel of judges made up of members of the Rescue and Recovery Trainers Association (RRTA), who administer the award on behalf of the IVR.  In the evening at Gala Dinner the Jack Ovenden Award 2019 was presented to Sam Arnold of Manchetts, who had been nominated by Mick Goodley FIVR.
Congratulations must also go to the other candidates, all of whom proved themselves well deserved finalist. They were Jordan Morgan MIVR of Midhurst Engineering, Neil Gerrard of JPW Commercials, Lewis Drew MIVR of JD Motors, Cain Wilton of Keltek Motors and Ovidijus Dauininkatis of Marsden Recovery.