Highways England Breakdown Campaign

Highways England announced its 2021 Breakdown Campaign on 10 March 2021.  The campaign aims to improve road users’ awareness and confidence around what to do in the event of a breakdown on a motorway, including those without a hard shoulder, helping people feel more capable and equipped should it happen to them.
This is Highways England's biggest ever campaign, covering prime-time TV and radio as well as social media, out of home, digital audio and newspaper advertising.
LEFT is the golden thread that unites the most important campaign messaging.  If you break down on the motorway:
1. Put your LEFT indicators on
2. Move into the LEFT lane
3. Exit LEFT at the next junction/services, or
4. Exit LEFT into an emergency area or hard shoulder
5. Put your hazard lights on
6. Get behind a safety barrier where there is one; keep well away from moving traffic
7. Call Highways England on 0300 123 5000; then a breakdown provider for help
If you cannot do the above, or in an emergency, stay in your vehicle, keep seatbelts and hazard lights on. Call 999 immediately.
The supporting message is how you can help prevent a breakdown on the motorway:
1) Make sure you have enough fuel for your trip
2) Check your oil
3) Check your tyre pressure.
More supporting messages can be found on the campaign website: www.highwaysengland.co.uk/breakdowns