IVR (UK) Ltd administers the National Highways Sector Scheme 17/17B (NHSS17/17B) National Training Scheme, for roadside/recovery technicians and is responsible for the development and the registration of training and roadside/recovery technicians to the scheme.
The VR modular training scheme offers high quality training standards to the roadside assistance and vehicle recovery sector. With the focus on industry best practice and training standards, the Institute aims to provide a safer environment for those working and travelling on the UK road network.
The VR modules use National Occupational Standards (NOS) as a minimum, where standards exist, and the modules are developed, reviewed and updated to ensure they continue to meet the requirements and current challenges of today’s roadside assistance and vehicle recovery workplace. The VR modules meet the requirements of both NHSS17/17B and Publicly Available Specification 43 (PAS 43). The modules are delivered by approved, independent training providers.
The VR modules were originally developed as a technical certificate, which provided the set of standards required for a roadside/recovery technician. Further developments included the introduction of a skills test, which ensured training had been successful both on a theoretical and practical level. This format remains a key part of today’s standards.
The modular scheme was submitted to NHSS17 and when accepted as a viable alternative to NVQs it was made part of the training requirements of Sector Scheme 17a and 17b. In March 2006, following the appointment of the Institute of Vehicle Recovery as Administrator of the training scheme, IVR (UK) Ltd was formed to autonomously take over the role of Administrator.
It was vital to bring together stakeholders from across the industry, including all relevant trade associations, and the IVR was instrumental in the formation of the National Recovery Industry Training Group (NRITG). To ensure stakeholders had an input in key decisions directly relating to the industry’s National Training Scheme.
The NRITG comprises of IVR (UK) Ltd and representatives from across the industry and now includes;
- Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators (AVRO)
- Road Rescue Recovery Association (RRRA)
- London Association of Recovery Operators (LARO)
- Rescue Recovery Trainers Association (RRTA)
- Professional Recovery Operators Federation (PROF)
Training Today to Secure Your Tomorrow
The reinvestment back into the industry takes the modular training scheme to 33 modules ranging from the Core Modules - VR01 Health and Safety, VR02 Customer Service and VR03 Assess the Roadside Situation, the full range of light and heavy vehicle recovery, motorcycle recovery as well as specific modules relevant to the industry, such as VR17 Lorry Loaders, VR19 Preservation of Evidence and VR27 Electric (EV) and Hybrid Vehicles.
The full list can be found here: Training Modules
The Institute continues to be a key player in maintaining the high training standards for the sector scheme, PAS 43 and the wider industry, it actively participates in key industry groups and working groups and continues to offer technicians a clear training pathway within the roadside assistance and recovery sector.
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