RQM Digital ID Card Application (for individuals)

If you have already completed your application, please proceed straight to the payment page

Application Criteria:

This card is only available to those who meet the minimum criteria of a valid IVR VR01, VR02 and VR03.  If you are unsure of your status, please email RQM@theivrgroup.com who will be able to confirm your validity details.

Personal details

Your physical identity card will be sent to this address.

Contact details

Your virtual identity card will be sent via SMS to the number provided and your email will be used for further necessary communication.

Additional information

Additional information to identify you against your NHSS17/17B training record.
One file only.
2 GB limit.
Allowed types: png, jpg, jpeg.

Additional information required:

Please now submit a good quality passport style photograph to RQM@theivrgroup.com.  This can be taken on a smartphone, but the quality must be good, without shadows, head coverings (except for religious reasons), red eye, reflection on eyeglasses.  Use your name as the email title. 

Additional data:

Your IVR RQM card will automatically contain your in-date qualifications National Highway Sector Scheme (NHSS17/17B) training records and certificates.

Other relevant training, qualifications and CPD can appear on the card, and will be at the discretion of the IVR Group.

Note: If you are adding non-IVR certificates you will be required to submit good quality scanned certificates as evidence to RQM@theivrgroup.com.  Use your name as the email title.


New card holders – There is a fee of £40.00 plus VAT (for a 5 year digital card only) or £60.00 plus VAT (for a 5 year digital card plus a plastic card)

The small print:

By clicking the submit button I confirm that I have read, understood and accept the IVR Group Privacy Statement.


Training, qualifications and compliances will remain on your card until they expire or until you or your company request any specific documents are removed.  In terms of requesting documents be removed, this could be any business compliance document held on your card.

The IVR reserves the right to suspend a card, pending investigation or to cancel a card should they deem false information to have been provided.