Institute of Vehicle Recovery Presents at the NPCC Conference

The National Police Chiefs’ Councils (NPCC) invited The Institute of Vehicle Recovery to present at their annual recovery group conference on 11/12 May 2022.  
Part of the role of the NPCC is to bring together police forces in the UK, to help policing coordinate operations, reform, improve and provide value for money.  The NPCC Recovery Group Conference does all of that with a focus on the specialist role they play with their recovery partners. 
The Institute was really honoured to accept the invitation, especially knowing this was as a result of the strategic partnership agreements that the Professional Recovery Operators Federation (PROF) had worked so hard to achieve.  The agreements have been put in place to ensure a better understanding, better communication and a two-way strategic relationship in the coming years, with the goal of ensuring technician and public safety on the road network.  With this in mind the Institute were grateful that the NPCC had given the IVR the opportunity to present as a guest speaker at the conference. 
The Institute’s President, Nick Ovenden was asked to provide details of the National Highways Sector Scheme 17/17B (NHSS17/17B) and the training standards contained within it. 
Nick’s presentation gave a full overview of the history of the IVR, its role as the Administrator to the sector scheme and how it focused on looking after the interests and safety of the recovery industry and the general public it serves.  
This was followed by a question and answer session and an impromptu request on the day for Nick to additionally clear up some of the confusion around electric vehicles.