IVR confirms Lodar Innovation Award 2019

Since its conception in 1983 the Institute of Vehicle Recovery (IVR) has focused on improving safety within the recovery industry by championing the need for structured, uniform and measureable training. Although the majority of the modules created were instigated by the IVR many came as direct requests from the industry – following incidents or as ideas of how a procedure could be improved or enhanced. This is ‘innovation’ and with that in mind the Institute has introduced The Lodar Innovation Award, which will be presented at the 2019 AGM Gala Dinner.
The award will be sponsored by Lodar Ltd – Wireless Solutions and will be presented to an individual, company or organisation that can show;
·         A new and innovative idea or the creation of a new device/method of working
·         Development and/or enhancement of current methods/teachings/working practice
The priority for both categories must be that the innovation assists and improves safety for those working within the UK recovery industry.
IVR chairman Chris Hoare FIVR said;
‘This new award recognises ideas and improvements to safety that often occur during the day to day working life of a recovery technician or are recognised by an organisation as an area where there is potentially a need for bespoke training.
Input from the industry is vital in our aim to protect those travelling and working on the road network. We would like to thank Lodar for sponsoring this award.’
Richard Halford, brand director at Lodar explained;
‘Lodar has been at the forefront when it comes to innovation in its field. When the opportunity to sponsor this award arose it was an easy decision.
Often innovation can be greeted with scepticism and we only have to look at the past for examples. Twenty five years ago electric winches were operated by hard wired controls and hydraulic winches controlled by levers but the necessity to innovate and improve methods of working showed radio was the future. Like many new ideas some people embraced the technology quickly while others took a little longer to accept change. However as we know, the persistence of a few radio control manufacturers slowly convinced the market to embrace this concept. It was the need for safer working methods that drove that innovation forward.’
The Lodar Innovation Award will be judged jointly by representatives of Lodar and the Institute of Vehicle Recovery (IVR), with nominations being accepted from
1 October 2018 to 31 January 2019. Please send nominations to mail@theivrgroup.com
The definition of innovation is;
‘Innovation can be defined simply as a "new idea, device or method". However, innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs. Such innovation takes place through the provision of more-effective products, processes, services, technologies, or business models that are made available to markets, governments and society.
Please note - This award is for initiatives already in place, not for potential ideas yet to be proven.