Police Scotland and NPCC Response to COVID-19 Recovery Industry Protocol

Despite NPCC writing to all UK police forces and asking them to take a pragmatic view of the COVID-19 Recovery Industry Protocol guidance, Police Scotland DO NOT consider the carrying of passengers whilst remaining in the casualty vehicle to be legal practice and consider it to be an offence.
The IVR therefore suggest that those in Scotland DO NOT move passengers in this way, but that in line with SURVIVE Best Practice Guidance and your dynamic risk assessment, that you contact the emergency services to request urgent assistance should you consider there is an imminent danger to casualty vehicle passengers.
Those in other parts of the UK should consult the IVR website, the PROF website and the SURVIVE website, to ensure that they have fully understood the guidance.  It is highlighted that only trained operatives should use the protocol guidance and that insurance companies should be consulted before using the protocol guidance.  This is a temporary COVID-19 measure, which should be used as a last resort and to the first place of safety.
The IVR urge all interested parties to continue to monitor the IVR website, the PROF website and the SURVIVE website for further updates.