Safety Incident Data for Rescue and Recovery

The Institute sees reporting safety incidents as a very important way of identifying problem areas for the rescue and recovery industry.  Without the data, it is difficult for the industry to represent itself with clear evidence about safety and to take a balanced, factual view when making decisions about safety and training.  Currently thedata is fragmented across many agencies and is often not categorised as vehicle recovery.
The Institute has adjusted the focus of its website moving it away from a ‘near miss reporting area’ to a ‘safety incident reporting area’ for rescue and recovery.  It is requested that ALL in the industry report ANY safety incidents that may occur whether in the yard or on the roadside, via the IVR’s website.  
What is a ‘safety incident’? 
For the purposes of the website a safety incident is: 

  1. Any incident resulting in injury no matter how serious. 
  2. Any incident not causing harm, but that has the potential to cause injury or ill health.   

Examples of safety incidents the IVR would like reported that may or may not have caused harm are:  

  • another vehicle making contact with your wing mirror at speed whilst you are working roadside 
  • a vehicle hitting you or someone else and causing you harm 
  • a vehicle hitting your cones whilst working (indicate if it is one cone or all cones) 
  • a vehicle colliding with your vehicle but not harming you whilst working 

Who should report it? 
Ideally anyone who was involved in the incident or who witnessed the incident or employers, where an incident has been reported to them.   
How will the data be used? 
The data will be anonymised and analysed for patterns.  The Institute will use this information to provide safety updates or updates to the industry National Training Scheme as necessary, improving safety for technicians throughout the sector. 
It may be shared as required (names and identifying factors removed), when working on solutions with other agencies. 
Will the IVR tell HSE or the Police? 
No, the data will sit with the Institute, if it is shared it will be with all identifying factors removed.  
How do I report a safety incident? 
Please report via the homepage of the IVR website: or email details to   
You do not have to provide personal information, although it will help us if you do.    
IMPORTANT:- Employees should additionally report safety incidents and near misses to their employer, so that they can adjust their safety management practices as necessary. 
The hope is the industry will offer up its data, so it can be collated to obtain a true industry health and safety picture for the future wellbeing of all.